Capital Campaign

With the Bermuda College campus now over 30 years old, this is a pivotal time for Bermuda College Foundation to embark on an aggressive capital campaign to modernise the College’s campus, IT infrastructure, course offerings, and facilities to meet the needs of its 21st century students and faculty.

The following represents the key areas for immediate attention:

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  • Current State

    All Classrooms are outdated and not suited for the incorporation of new technology. Classrooms must be modernized, outfitted with furnishings and updated with instructional equipment, including audiovisual tools, which would facilitate learning, both now and in the future. Additionally, significant upgrades to science, culinary and technical labs, and meeting rooms are required.

  • Solution

    A complete renovation of classrooms, science, culinary and technical labs, and meeting rooms are required at costs ranging from $75,000 to $275,000 each.

  • Impact

    • Facilitate a modernized learning environment

    • Bermuda College will be better equipped to meet needs of future students and workforce

  • Call to Action

    As this component directly impacts students, support of modernized learning environments is high in importance.


Current State

The 30-year old Bermuda College campus requires structural repairs, without which other issues will arise. Some ongoing critical maintenance and beautification of the grounds has not been carried out due to revenue reductions over lengthy periods.


An estimated $4.5M of immediate repairs and upgrades to facilities are required, such as:

  • Internal recreation space, including the gymnasium and common areas, including furnishings

  • External spaces which include window replacements; repairs to cracked walls, walkways, ramps, balustrades, and stairs; repairs to leaking roofs; garden enhancements; and all common areas


  • BC will be brought to standards expected of a modern educational facility, whilst providing a sustainable, safe and secure infrastructure.

  • Campus environment will enhance student and faculty wellness

Call to Action

Supporting infrastructure development contributes not only to cosmetic improvements but also provides safety and security.


  • Current State

    New and existing programme enhancements, faculty development and student support at BC is required to better serve its student community.

    • Professional Development - faculty sabbaticals; certifications, etc.

    • New Student Programmes – Foundation Year Programme, Diagnostic Imaging, Medical Laboratory Technical, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Solar Panel Installation, etc.

    • Student Financial Support

  • Solution

    Approximately, $800K for continuing education programmes across a wide range of careers, ongoing support for staff development and training, including financial assistance for students.

  • Impact

    • BC can remain relevant and provide programmes to meet current and future workforce needs

    • BC Faculty are able to keep abreast of developments in instructional techniques to ensure optimal learning

    • All qualified students are able to meet their educational financial commitments – ‘no student left behind’

  • Call to Action

    Your financial support is required for development of faculty & new programmes and ongoing student financial assistance.



Current State

Bermuda College currently relies 100% on fossil fuel and incurs over $1M annually in electricity costs.


A $2M investment in energy efficiency and solar systems is required.


  • BC, as Bermuda’s only institution providing tertiary education, will demonstrate a commitment to protecting our environment and mitigating reliance on fossil fuel

  • Cost savings of approximately $380K annually available to BC, which can then be put back into programs at the College

  • Educational opportunities for students and faculty during project

Call to Action

As the world is experiencing the impact of global warming, the move to environmental awareness and protection is critically important and should be supported.


  • Current State - As BC considers its sustainability, it must become less reliant on external grants and revenue.

  • Solution - Endowment funds are a necessity for Colleges and universities as it ensures that the institution remains viable. It is anticipated that $1M of the endowment goal of $5M for this Capital Campaign will be raised during this fiscal year as a first step towards ensuring long term sustainability of the College.


  • The College will build a sustainable future with less reliance on grants.Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

  • It will help BC to retain affordable tuition for all.

Call to Action - Investment in endowment funds are important to the long term future of Bermuda College and will provide assistance to the College well beyond this generation.